Explore FiberCrafting
Join us for a cup of tea and learn how to weave your magickal and fiber crafting together.
Our Fiber classes, workshops, and special events are open to beginners to experts and always include herbal tea and a homemade seasonal dessert.
Some of our upcoming workshops include:
Plant Dyes and Twined Yarn Pouches
Backyard Basketry: Coiling with Grasses, Cattails, & More
Botanical Sun Prints: Plants & Cyanotypes
Gardening and Foraging Natural Dyes
Harvest Baskets Making
Introduction to Freeform Tapestry Weaving
Botanical Watercolors
Celebrate With Us
Honoring the seasons is a beautiful way to tune yourself into nature and connect with Mother Earth. The themes of birth, death and rebirth are played out across a year that is divided into light and dark, male and female, sun and moon, growth and rest, and heat and cold. The ancients and their predecessors saw time as a wheel or spiral divided by eight festivals.
All of these seasonal cycles allow us to pause and connect with the land and with the energy of each season, as it shifts, and reflect what that means internally and externally. Understanding how everything is naturally turning is a great way to bring peace and harmony into your life. These celebrations allow us to truly be thankful for life, love, and honor all mother nature has to offer.
Celebrating these shifts in the seasons is nondogmatic and something anyone can do, no matter your religion, age, heritage, or gender. You are invited to join us at The Green Witch for potluck dinners celebrating the eight festivals, main solar events, solstices, and equinoxes.
Celebrate the Turning of the Wheel with Feasting, Friends, and Good Food